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Upendo Children Kilifi is soliciting quotes from prospective individuals or firms to provide independent strategic planning services for the period 2025 – 2029.


Upendo Children Kilifi is a sub-project of Upendo Methodist CBO that provides holistic support and care to orphans and vulnerable children in Kilifi through advancing access to quality education, feeding, healthcare, vocational skills training and psychosocial support. For more information about Upendo Children Kilifi, please visit:


The main objective of this consultancy is to develop a new Strategic Plan for the organization that builds on the achievements of the current strategic plan and the opportunities presented by current and emerging internal and external operating environment. The new Strategic Plan is expected to drive forward the organization’s effectiveness and sustainability in its core business of providing holistic support and care to orphans and vulnerable children in Kilifi.

The plan must address, amongst other things how to:

  1. Achieve impact in our programmes: Education, Feeding, Healthcare, Pastoral and Psychosocial Care and Vocational Skills Training.
  2. Achieve optimal governance.
  3. Achieve effective financial resource mobilization and organizational sustainability.
  4. Create strong networks and partnerships.
  5. Improve on Human Resource.
  6. Improve on Infrastructure.
  7. Deal with matters of risk and risk management.
  8. Develop monitoring and evaluation framework.

In supporting and guiding the Organization’s Board, Management, Staff and Stakeholders to come up with a new Strategic Plan that builds on the achievement of the current Strategic Plan and the opportunities presented by the dynamic internal and external operating environment, the consultant shall clearly define and or carry out the following:

The Consultant shall review the current plans and reports. While supporting the development of the new strategic plan the consultant shall take note of the following.

  1. The extent to which the current plans have been implemented in terms of the key thematic and supporting areas, strategic goals, institutional sustainability initiatives, networking and partnerships, monitoring and evaluation, financial resource mobilization, governance, human resource, risk management amongst others.
  2. The challenges/lapses that emerged in the process of implementation.
  3. The vision, mission, core values and how these shaped the realization of the core business of accessibility.
  4. Engage the board, management, staff, and relevant stakeholders in a participatory manner in the development of the new strategic plan.
  5. Support in developing a concise, clear, and powerful statement of why the organization exists.
  6. Support in setting the Strategic Direction in terms of vision, mission, core values, and strategic goals.
  7. Unpack the situational context covering SWOT analysis, PESTEL analysis, Stakeholder analysis, Priority Issues, Thematic Areas for the period 2025 – 2029.
  8. Articulate strategic plan implementation methodology stating key project areas and implementation plans.
  9. Assist in understanding our stakeholder road map and identify relevant strategies to engage in to advance our stated objectives.
  10. Outline risk analysis and management approaches.
  11. Develop a monitoring and reporting framework to enable proper tracking of the strategic goals.

The assignment will involve close engagement with the Board, Staff and relevant Stakeholders and will entail a participatory process, including, but not limited to;

  1. A review of internal documents.
  2. Consultations with the Board, Staff and Stakeholders.
  3. Facilitation for a strategic planning workshop.
  4. Drawing up the final Strategic Plan for the next deliverables.

Expected Deliverables Include:

  1. An inception report detailing the methodology/approaches and timelines associated with this consultancy assignment.
  2. Review report for the period 2022 – 2024.
  3. Strategic planning workshops.
  4. A five-year Strategic Plan covering the period 2025 – 2029.
  5. A consultancy report that includes the major activities of the consultancy, the highlights of the strategic planning workshop, and the evaluation of the workshop.



Eligible Consultant or Consultancy firm should meet the following criteria:

  1. Compliance with legal requirements of registration with relevant authorities.
  2. Experience of over 3 years in carrying out similar assignments with proven track record of guiding organizations on how to tap into new funding sources.
  3. At least three references of similar assignments performed within the period 2017-2024.
  4. Provide Consultancy Methodology, Proposed Work-plan, and Curriculum Vitae for the lead consultant.

Commitment to Work Quality

The consultant shall use an evidence-based approach and ensure the highest standards of work and timely deliverables at every stage of the assignment. The consultant shall ensure clarity of objectives and process during the consultancy, counter check all facts and figures cited, ensure that the content and format of the strategic plan meets high standard for such documents, including proper editing, clarity, and use of design and graphics.


This consultancy assignment will be supervised by the Project Director assisted by the Board of Management providing the overall oversight and mandate.


The consultancy shall be for a period not exceeding two months from the date of signing of the consultancy agreement.

Technical and Financial Proposals

The consultant will submit a Technical and Financial Proposal for consideration. The final terms will be stipulated in the consultancy contract.

Communication and Reports
All proposals, reports, and statements shall be presented in English language.

Submission Guidelines
Interested consultants should submit the following.

  1. An expression of interest to provide the above-mentioned consultancy services.
  2. An organization profile including previous similar experiences.
  3. Proposed detailed methodology to deliver required services.
  4. A work plan and budget for the activities and final deadline.
  5. Relevant documents under the eligibility criteria.

Procurement Procedure

Upendo Children Kilifi is using an open procurement procedure, meaning that any suitably qualified consultant or firm may submit a proposal during the submission timeframe.

How To Apply

Your entire proposal including all supporting documentation, should be emailed as a single document, to by not later than 21st March, 2025.

Please ensure you use “Strategic Plan RFQ” in the subject line of your email submission.

Download this request for quotation here: REQUEST FOR QUOTES