Our Partners


Karibuni Children is a UK Registered Charity.

We aim to raise awareness about the plight of children living on the streets and in the slums in areas of urban and rural poverty in Kenya; and to raise money to support projects to meet their needs.


Solidarité Pour les Enfants du Kenya (SPEK) is a registered charity based in Geneva, Switzerland.

SPEK aims to provide for the nutritional, educational, medical and emotional needs of Orphans and Vulnerable Children (OVCs) in Kilifi district, Kenya.


TIME is a global health group within the University of Queensland, Australia.

Our vision is one of a world where the gross health inequalities between communities and countries we see today no longer exist.

Our mission is to empower and support students to make a sustainable difference in the realisation of health equality, at home and abroad.

Kesho Kenya

To advance access to education and employment for vulnerable young people living in Kilifi, Kenya, through a long-term holistic approach which includes:

    • Financial Support to Access Education
    • Academic and Literacy Support
    • Enrichment and Training
    • Child Protection and Family Support

Safe Community Youth Initiative

Safe Community Youth Initiative is a community based organization in Mtwapa whose primary target audience are the youth in & out of school in Kilifi County

Jonaron Foundation

Jonaron Foundation is a registered private family foundation and has been providing charitable funding for over 30 years to assist the less fortunate in regions where the Founder and his family have lived or engaged in business — especially Malaysia, Singapore and East Africa.

The Third Hand Initiative

We are a community based organization working towards promoting literacy for community development in enhancing education and skill development